We want to welcome Stargaze USA as our new member!
If you haven't visited this astronomer (www.stargazeusa.com) at Inks Lake State Park yet, you are missing out! Especially with this supermoon we are having. We saw the moon, 4 Gallilean moons, incredible rings around Saturn, Jupiter, Sagittarius, Virgo and so much more. We heard fun facts such as: Did you know there is a 400 degree temperature change between the bright side and the dark side of the moon? We saw stars that are 400 years away (yes, years!) Call Eddie for a reservation at 361-438-8733 or just stop by around dusk. You will be glad you did!
If you haven't visited this astronomer (www.stargazeusa.com) at Inks Lake State Park yet, you are missing out! Especially with this supermoon we are having. We saw the moon, 4 Gallilean moons, incredible rings around Saturn, Jupiter, Sagittarius, Virgo and so much more. We heard fun facts such as: Did you know there is a 400 degree temperature change between the bright side and the dark side of the moon? We saw stars that are 400 years away (yes, years!) Call Eddie for a reservation at 361-438-8733 or just stop by around dusk. You will be glad you did!